About RTRS: 

Real Talk About Real Stuff (RTRS) is a ½ day workshop triple certified in 3 special categories by the Metropolitan Police Academy - City of St. Louis, designed to re-visit progress on racial profiling, explore specific examples, and (officer) behaviors to examine the influence and impact of bias on officer interactions/decisions. Designed and facilitated by Drake Consulting & Coaching in August 2021 at the request of Chief John Hayden, with the support of 10 SLMPD officers co-facilitated 28 RTRS sessions. 

Survey Introduction 

Thank you for your participation in Real Talk About Real Stuff. Please take a few minutes to complete this post-workshop survey. Your participation will allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of the content, themes, and presentation format to continually improve future Real Talk About Real Stuff discussions. 

As you already know, effective community policing, crime prevention, and solutions require mutual trust, relationship building, and self-awareness absent of negative bias. Influenced by the lens of Socialization around race, this workshop caused us to take an inward look at ourselves, our social identity around race, and the influence and impact of bias surrounding officer interactions/decisions.

Note: This information is completely confidential and monitored only by the Drake Consulting Team and will not be shared with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department or Metropolitan Police Academy - the City of St. Louis without the removal of any and all identifying information.

Visit to locate links to the presentation, copies of the Cycle of Socialization alongside bias-interrupting resources, tools, and strategies.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact a member of the RTRS facilitation team using the contact information listed on the workshop website.